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Apr 26, 2012

Away Notice - May 2012

Dear Arts-n-Gizmo customers and fans,

We will be inactive on replying email or attend to your call from the period of 5th May 2012 to 20th May 2012, as the "admin" lady - Leena will be away for holiday. We will respond to you as soon as she is back to Malaysia or if she has internet access in places she is travelling. If you have any urgent enquiry , you may contact us before 5th May 2012 else we will attend to your queries after 20th May 2012. 

Thank you in advance for your patience and apologize if we causes any inconveniences.

Apr 10, 2012

Customized Totoro Wedding Clay Cake Topper

Last Month - March 2012, we have completed another customized Totoro  wedding clay cake topper  for a customer from United States. The couple, they love Totoro so much and wish to have Totoro as the Theme for their Cake Topper. 

The Totoro  wedding clay cake topper  is 3.5 inches tall ; 5 inches in length and 3 inches wide. The big Totoro is sleeping on the grass and the wedding couple sit on the Totoro's tummy together with a little blue Totoro. The wedding couples both wearing spectacles which is one the of the feature of the actual person. We are glad that they have received it and they love the cake topper. 

We took some pictures of the Totoro wedding clay cake topper before packing it and shipped it to United States. Below are the pictures to share with you. Happy Viewing!

And here is how it looks like on the wedding cake. Thanks Emily for sharing the picture with us! ^_^

Apr 7, 2012

Desserts Miniature Clay - Cakes, Cupcakes, Cookies

Life is always busy! but if there's a little time, we shall not forget to do whatever we are passionate with. (Trying not to give own-self excuses.) ^_^ 

This round with just a little time, we have made some simple dessert miniatures. They are cakes, cup cakes and cookies. All these are made from polymer clay. Their sizes is just in the range between 0.5cm to 3cm width. 

We notice more and more crafter are into making clay miniatures. We are not really much making a lot but it is part of our clay art class syllabus teaching our student making such little clay miniatures. This clay art work will help to train a person's patience and we always like to let our student to create their own design. We believe everyone has their own set of creativity capability. What we do here is trying our best in helping you to build that!

Here is some of the our dessert clay miniatures picture. Hope you will like it !