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Feb 1, 2011

Wedding Favors for your guest

Nowadays i realise many people would love to plan and organise the wedding in a more simpler yet unique way. Wedding is couple's most memorable day of their life. To make a wedding a successful one, definately not forgetting the guest who attended their wedding.

Couples are always happy to see all the invited guests celebrating this memorable wedding event together with them.The wedding couples will think of something nice and lovely yet not too expensive "thank you" gift for the guest as a token of appreciation.

I believe a lot of couples might be struggling thinking of what to get for their guest with limited budget. I may not organise a wedding event before but i do attend many of my friends' wedding and they told me thinking of what to get for the guest sometime can be a headache. 

It depends on the theme of the wedding, some would like to have an oriental style of wedding, some may be looking forward to have a western style wedding etc. Here i just posted some of the sample wedding favors that some of you can consider. further details you may visit the website. IF you are in the plan of having your own wedding and would like get some wedding favors opinions from us. you can always let us know and we will try our best to provide the best ideas that meet your preference and budget. Special discount can be given for those who order in bulk.
Wedding Favors that Arts-n-Gizmo is offering is in the price range of RM3 to RM10 each.

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