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Feb 19, 2013

March 2013 Workshop : Making Doraemon Clay Figurine

This coming March we are planning to have a blue theme. One of the significant character that is blue in color is the famous Doraemon. So for those who are interested to learn making your very own Doraemon figurine. Do come and join us. Any enquiries please email us at or contact 012-3000025. Workshop location will be at SS18, Subang Jaya. 

Feb 7, 2013

Customised Clay Workshop for a friends-get-together activity

Most of the time when we meeting up some friends are usually for a drink, a meal, go for movies etc. My friends and I made it something different. Attending clay workshop as a get-together activity. My friends know i teach clay craft and few of them are quite interested to find out more about this handicraft , so they decided to organise a clay craft class (of coz the instructor would be me :P ) just last weekend. I asked them what exactly they want to make. One of them has a cute little dog picture and suggested to make this dog. Before the class begin, i have made a sample so they will have a better idea how it will looks like as a figurine. We talked and laughed as all of them are first timer, you will see all sorts of funny shape of doggy being created by each of them. All of us enjoyed the moment and of course planning to have another workshop session soon. What they want to learn next? They told me they want to make Doraemon. :P

So if you and your friends are clay craft lovers and would like to get together in a small group for some activities. I am sure attending a clay moulding workshop will be one of a ideal get together moment. 

The sample dog figurine i made for this workshop

Everyone is focusing with their clay craft work

In Progress

Ready to bake for this first round in the oven

The results - Technique Methods are the same however all look so different.

Arrange the doggy in circle like having a gathering. ^_^

Not forgetting to take a group picture after the workshop.

Feb 6, 2013


Another completed clay figurine - Doraemon. I believe many people love Doraemon so do we. We even have some enquiries to learn making their own Doraemon. Stay tuned. Doraemon Clay Moulding Workshop is coming soon. Do visit our blog often to get our workshop updates. If you are not into making it yourself, but you love to have one, do contact us we can custom make one for you. Any enquiries please do email us at

Doraemon together with Winnie the Pooh and Donald Duck. This is a set ordered by our customer.

Doraemon together with Winnie the Pooh and Donald Duck.